Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Day 3

That's where I am on the post-wisdom tooth removal calendar. Day 1 was fairly inconsequential, and then I felt totally fine and wonderful on Day 2. Today, however, has been fairly miserable. I woke at 4 AM with excruciating pain, so I managed to stumble downstairs to load up on Percocet, and then I chose to ice my jaw and Facebook for about 20 minutes so I could try and feel better. Thankfully I started to rally so I went back to bed. At 6.30 I woke again, and this time pissed off because it was the SECOND time waking up that night. Usually I never wake up during the night-- I'm a hard sleeper and I can sleep through just about anything. Anyway, I took some Advil (since it was too soon to re-up the real drugs), and drifted back to interrupted slumber.

I got to sleep in until 11.30, which was fantastic. I was in pain, but I really really wanted to go see "I'm Not There," and since I can't drive after taking Percocet, I muscled through with Advil, salt water and ice packs. I made it to the movie in good condition. I even showered before going out! (Quite proud of myself for that one, simply because it meant changing out of Pajamas) I loved loved loved the movie. It was very conceptual, trippy, abstract, and intriguing. Six stories all weave around the central theme of Bob Dylan-- they may be permutations of his character, figments of his constructed images, or slivers of his past, as projected into the present and future. It was quite a trip, and I feel I need to see it again to truly digest it. It has a brilliant soundtrack, and I have to say that it cements Cate Blanchett's goddess status. She IS Bob Dylan in the film. Pure brilliance. I'm still in awe.

I was planning on cooking dinner tonihgt, but I just couldn't bring myself to it, since I was still really hurting when I got home. It's ok-- I think tomorrow I will make homemade meatballs, key lime pie, and some sort of hors d'oeuvres thing. I want to get back into the food world, since I literally have only eaten jello, applesauce, pudding, and eggs over the past 3 days. Oh, and Diet Coke. Speaking of which-- I need to buy more tomorrow.... hm.

Anyway. Project Runway was fabulous, as usual, and a great way to end a fairly dismal day. I think I'll go to bed now and try to see if I wake up feeling better tomorrow.

Oh-- last thing-- Planet Earth is one of the GREATEST THINGS EVER.

Good things:
-- Cooking
-- Barefoot Contessa
-- Planet Earth
-- Project Runway
-- Bob Dylan
-- Cate Blanchett
-- Indie Movie Theaters


SG Bye said...

Did I ever tell you I'm related to one of the executive producers of Project Runway? He's married to my second-cousin, I think is how it works... He did his wedding at my house, and that's the only time I ever met him, cos lives in California. Little-known fact. : )

DanO said...

ugh, do i already need to do this? UPDATE!