Monday, January 7, 2008

The Night Swallows Itself, You Can See It In The Stars

I'm going to take another stab at blogging. I was pretty devoted to my Xanga for a good 2 years, but then it just fell by the wayside. But, I think with a change of scenery I might actually get back into it. So, we'll see. Test run #1 starts now.

I had my last wisdom tooth pulled this afternoon, so I'm still a little loopy from that whole procedure, but overall I feel pretty fine. I'm sure tomorrow will be slightly more uncomfortable, as it seems that is the case with surgeries I've, for better more than worse, had to undergo, but that's OK. I have tons of Planet Earth to watch and summer internship applications to fill out.

Quick updates on my life, since I should head to bed soon---

-- Ended the semester on a high note. I wrote 2 really killer papers, I think. I haven't felt more proud of a paper since high school, really (other than my term paper for W&M in DC last semester, but that was a 42 page opus). I finally feel like I'm back in the SAS writing habit. It feels very good right now, so I hope I can keep the momentum up.

-- I was elected Musical Director of the Cleftomaniacs, one of three co-ed a cappella singing groups on campus. I've been a member of the group since freshman year, but this is a huge honor and responsibility. I am beside myself with excitement. I can't wait to head back and get to work with Sam (the new Asst Director) and Beth (the new President). I have an email in to try and secure the supporting slot for Dar Williams' show in Williamsburg on Feb. 7, which would be absolutely incredible. Beyond words incredible, actually.

-- Still in recovery from Tori tour this fall. More on that later.

-- I had one of the best weeks ever last week. I spent 4 days in Washington, DC with Dan, Chad, Sam, Eddie, and Will. Getting to see my SAS friends + Dan was wonderful-- we celebrated New Year's Eve in style and most certainly rang in the New Year with fabulousness. Also, I got back in touch with my board-game self, so hopefully I can take that back to school with me for spring semester. After DC I took one night at home when I got to see all my Montgomery School friends (elementary school) and do some major catching up. All good things with them-- they're such an inspiring group of individuals. Lastly, I spent the weekend with my aunt Carolyn and cousin Eli in NYC. Dan, Sam, and Will joined me as well, but Sam and Will left on Saturday. Over the course of the weekend, I was served at 2 different bars (yay for being underage but having connections!), had 2 of the best hamburgers I've ever had, had a bit of an unpleasant situation with a bouncer outside of the Natalie Merchant concert at the Hiro Ballroom, ate way too much food from my aunt's cafe, figured out the NYC subway system, did some great shopping, fell in love with the Richard Prince exhibition at the Guggenheim, walked through Central Park, and last but not least-- got pixelated with Dan at this fabulous gay piano bar in the Village called the Duplex, and ended up staying there for 4 hours drinking, singing, and having the time of my life. It's hard to express what a great time I had over this past week-- I've spent way more money than I should have, but I feel so incredibly recharged, revived, and inspired. I've fallen back in love with myself, and I owe it to the amazing people around me. I have realized that these are the people who are here for me-- who have been, and who will be. I've had a lot of tough relationships this year, and there are vestiges of them still floating around here, but I also have started to realize that I think I'm a pretty good and kind person deep down, and that I have pretty good priorities. I can be sarcastic, dry, and biting at times, but I think I'm getting really comfortable with myself. Good things.

Anyway, I should head to bed to rest up with this whole tooth situation. Huzzah for new blogs!!


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